Chintz — from the Coromandel Coast, India, c. 1710–1725. V A Museum collections … Wikipedia
chintz — [ ʃints ] n. m. • 1933; chint 1753; mot angl., du hindi ♦ Toile de coton imprimée, utilisée pour l ameublement. Rideau de chintz. ● chintz nom masculin (hindi chīnt) Toile de coton pour ameublement, généralement assez fine, teinte ou imprimée, et … Encyclopédie Universelle
Chintz — 〈[ tʃı̣nts] m. 1; Textilw.〉 durch Wachsüberzug glänzend gemachter Baumwollstoff, meist bunt gemustert [engl. <ind. chint; urspr. bedruckter od. bemalter Kattun aus Indien] * * * Chintz [t̮ʃɪnt̮s ], der; [es], e [engl. chintz, älter: chints, Pl … Universal-Lexikon
chintz|y — «CHIHNT see», adjective, chintz|i|er, chintz|i|est. 1. of or like chintz. 2. Slang. cheap, often in a mean and petty way: »I hate to phone friends and ask if they have these items because it seems so chintzy (Springfield Leader Press) … Useful english dictionary
Chintz — Chintz, n.; pl. {Chintzes}. [Hindi ch[=i]nt spotted cotton clooth, ch[=i]nt[=a] spot.] Cotton cloth, printed with flowers and other devices, in a number of different colors, and often glazed. Swift. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chintz — s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS tess. cotone lucido usato spec. come tessuto d arredamento: un cuscino di chintz {{line}} {{/line}} VARIANTI: cintz, cinz. DATA: 1892. ETIMO: dall hindi chīnt cotone variegato … Dizionario italiano
Chintz — [tʃints] der; [es], e <aus gleichbed. engl. chintz, dies aus Hindi chɪ̲ṅṭ> bunt bedrucktes Gewebe aus Baumwolle od. Chemiefasergarnen in Leinenbindung mit spiegelglatter, glänzender Oberfläche; vgl. ↑Ciré … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
chintz — [chints] n. [earlier chints, pl. of chint < Hindi chhīnt, chintz < Sans chitra, spot < IE base * (s)kai , bright > HOOD, OE hador, bright, L caelum, sky] a cotton cloth printed in colors with flower designs or other patterns and… … English World dictionary
Chintz — 〈 [tʃı̣nts] m.; Gen.: (e)s, Pl.: e; Textilw.〉 durch Wachsüberzug glänzend gemachter Baumwollstoff, meist bunt gemustert [Etym.: engl., eigtl. »bedruckter od. bemalter Kattun aus Indien« <Hindi chint] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
chintz — [ tʃınts ] noun uncount cotton cloth with a pattern of flowers, used especially for curtains and for covers for chairs … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English